The exhibition “Through a Broken Mirror” displays the architectural thought of Zenon Sierpeklis, one of the most important contemporary architects of Cyprus. A selection of projects which manifests the rich architectural language of the creator is organized in the context of three key-issues: materiality, light and kinesis. The complexity of his work resists against any kind of classification – chronological, stylistic, thematic – and for this reason a linear display of this kind was avoided. For a more complete reading the architectural work of Sierepeklis was exhibited alongside with his creations from other fields – photography, sculpture, writings – as well as four illustrative compositions: a film presenting a Sierepeklis’ monologue, a synthesis of sketches, a collection of architectural models and a biographical timeline. Within the industrial space of the Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, visitors can move freely between exhibition units, which consist of modular metal parts and panels mounted at different heights.
Organization: Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, associated with Pierides Foundation, Cyprus Architects Association
Commisioners: Cyprus Architects Association, Cultural Services – Ministry of Education and Culture