Two levels define the landscape, visually and spatially isolated from one another because of the sloping intermediate dense vegetation. The existing buildings of the Cultural Center are sited at the highest level. The integration of the two levels is the main axis of this proposal. The elevation of the topography on the roof of the proposed building mass, along with varied handling of the existing slope, aimed at establishing a recreational park that acts as a single coherent element connecting the new Rural Heritage Museum and the Cultural Center.
The Rural Heritage Museum and the Cafeteria are placed in the lower and existing level having between them a small square that acts like a central core – distributor of visitors to the different areas of the recreational park. The transparent boundaries of the Museum allow the direct eye contact of the indoor with the park and the wider landscape. Its reinforced concrete body shape indoor passages, pathways between the exhibits scenography, as well as siting areas, transferring within the museum the spatial experience of the park.